Why Do I Need A Website When There's Facebook?
Don't Squander The Opportunity To Build A Stable Foundation for The Long Haul
Owned Media Is Critical for Your Business
Owning your own media is one of the most important parts of a modern digital business strategy. Not owning your own website and relying strictly on your social media presence presents a significant liability for your business. Here's why 👇

"Don't build your house on rented land."
Joe Pulizzi, Founder, CMI.
So, let's say you're Donald Trump. I know, perish the thought, but just for a second imagine: you've spent your life building huge powerful brands, amassing an audience of tens of millions, and you've achieved so much success that you can sell products simply by affixing your brand name.
But somewhere along the way you made a mistake and opted to commit to a third party platform to carry your messaging into the world. This seemed like a great idea for awhile. The platform offered you access to a huge audience, allowing you to grow your following and amplify your signal exponentially. And this could have worked out for you if only, IF ONLY, if only you had the wherewithal to carry that audience back to your "owned" media.
But you didn't, because you're Donald Trump, and you were too busy planning a self-coup to worry about stuff like owned media. Unfortunately, the third party platform that you relied on to develop your audience and amplify your messaging wasn't on board with your evil masterplan and decided to ban you, and now all your hard work, your investment of precious time and resources, all of it squandered.
Of course, hopefully, you're not Donald Trump, or anything like him. And obviously, few of us are. But that doesn't mean that the social media or other platforms that promise us the world are a stable foundation for building a long term content marketing strategy.
While the temptation is high, because the rewards dangled like tasty carrots on a string are high, there are plenty of downsides to keep in mind when designing your content marketing mission. If you are going to take the time to build a sustainable business initiative, you should be able to reap your rewards in perpetuity. Doing so means owning the farm, not betting it on the addled whims of some schmuckerberg.